Giuseppe Battaglia Scritto da  Set 19, 2014

Assos T.tiburu Shorts: the earlyWinter solution

This is the combination that the professional clients prefer when they get into earlyWinter riding because it lets them perfectly calibrate the overall length to their anatomy, ensuring a perfect contouring fit around the crotch area, just like regular ASSOS bibshorts but with full-length leg protection.

Like all ASSOS products, the T.tiburu follows our maxim: tailored to fit on the bike in the cycling position. Definitely not a mainstream item, but the solution for colder clima Range rides when full tights would be too warm and summer bibshorts just not enough. Or if you prefer early Winter riding with legwarmers instead of tights, you could add T.tiburuShorts to your wardrobe. They truly are a masterpiece.


Etichettato sotto
Giuseppe Battaglia

Ideatore, creatore e maggiore contributor del sito. Spesso le sue idee sono talmente confuse che riescono anche ad avere un senso...

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