Giuseppe Battaglia Scritto da  Ott 13, 2014

The Hauler Convertible Bike Saddle/Messenger Bag Made in USA

EXERCISE- for the body, mind and soul. MONEY- no tickets, parking fees, gasoline or insurance. TRAFFIC-instead of traffic jams, we cyclists share the spirit of community and the outdoors on neighborhood streets and bike-paths. These are just a few reasons from an endless list. So why doesn't everyone cycle everywhere? The most common excuse for not commuting by bicycle is, “I don’t want to show up sweaty." This is the problem that spawned the Convertible Saddle/Messenger Bag. The goal was to create a bag with versatility for the rider and the bike to encourage more people to make cycling an easier choice.

The bag offers riders a way to carry a substantial amount of cargo on most bicycles without having to wrinkle your shirt, get a sweat mark, or buy a clunky rack. Once your bike is locked up for the day, you simply take the bag off, connect the shoulder strap and all your personal items are securely with you ready for life.

Beyond its functionality and looks, the Green Guru Convertible Saddle/Messenger Bike Bag is lightweight and well designed. They don’t skimp on anything to make this the most attractive and most functional dual purpose cycling bag possible.

It includes multiple strap points for your carrying convenience on and off the bicycle, a variety of size options and amazing weather resistance. Each design is prototyped, rigorously tested, and modified to specifications. The roll top closure allows zipper-less entry into its expansive and contactable cargo space.

The connection cyclists have to the outdoors garnishes a valid realization of the need to protect our environment. Even more, Green Guru connects users with this responsibility to give back to the planet by extending the life-cycle of these bicycle tubes long after their initial use is completed.

The Convertible Saddle/Messenger Bike Bag is an opportunity to create a highly functional product for the lives of cyclists and promoting the lifestyle has been exciting and rewarding. This bag is a culmination of versatility, functionality and fashion. What makes this product so special is the commitment to good design, the sourcing of up-cycled used bike tubes, fabric and other materials that would normally build up a landfill.

The Convertible Saddle/Messenger Bike Bag opens a world of possibilities to leisure riders making everyday riding and commutes much easier by eliminating the need for touring racks and introducing an effortless, safe, and secure way to bring personal and cycling effects along.

Watch the project on Kickstarter...

Etichettato sotto
Giuseppe Battaglia

Ideatore, creatore e maggiore contributor del sito. Spesso le sue idee sono talmente confuse che riescono anche ad avere un senso...

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